Tuesday, December 3, 2013

She's mine, Masmuhah.

Jika bisa kalimat ini hidup sampai nanti tua
Biarkan 2 pasang tangan kita bersama
Tanpa jarak di raga
Tanpa salah ucap kata
Sahabat, siapa di dunia ini yang seperti kamu
Kucari ke pelosok negri mungkin tiada indah tanpa semangatmu
Sahabatlah seharusnya begitu
Mengerti disaat waktu terasa jemu
Setia menebar kebaikan penerang hati
Menjaga, mendoa, menasehati
Menjadi tempat berdiri
Bagi sahabat lain yang merasa sepi
Tersiksa dengan makhluk tak hidup bernama ‘sendiri’
Allahku, Engkau sungguh Maha Sempurna, yang menyempurnakan aku dengan kehadiran sahabat sepertinya, meski diri ini tak akan pernah bisa sempurna, tapi setidaknya hatiku sempurna berkat kehadirannya, Allahku, sampai tubuh kami tertimpa beribu kotoran dan bebutiran tanah, selamatkan kami dari azabMu, jagalah tali ini agar sampai kepadaMu, kepada Rasul pilihanMu. Biarkan kami bertemu bukan hanya di duniaMu tapi juga akhiratMu. Alhamdulillah, pujianku padaMu beribu kali karena kau titipkan si lemah ini pada sahabatku yang kuat. Jaga dia untuk orang yang Kau ridhoi, yang terbaik, yang terpilih. Aamiin Ya Rabbal Aalamin.

Selamat hari jadi ke 20, cintaaa !!!!!

3 December 2013, Mahallah Hafsah block D 2.7 c.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

this what I call 'FAMILY'

"Berjalan menuju masjid untuk salat tahajjud bersama setiap malam itu sudah cukup untuk mewakili kata 'romantis'" - Papa Mama

I'll be there to love you so, you are my soul
الرحيمون يرحم هم الرحمن, تبارك و تعالى, ارحموا من في الأرض يرحمكم من في السماء- Rahma by Talib Alhabib
This backsound starts so does my history.

Aku ini perantau..
Punya lebih banyak teman daripada musuh
Dan mereka tau banget gimana keluargaku memperlakukanku
Manja, so sweet, romantis
Itu kata mereka lho, bukan kataku.

Sosoknya emang serem. Alisnya tebel kaya ulet (ini kata Papa sendiri), hidung mancung, bibir tebal, badan besar. Tapi hatinya? beuh manis dan soft banget kaya permen gulali. Melankolis saya mungkin nurun dari beliau. Nama aslinya Zaenal Arifin. Nama palsunya ga ada dong, hehe. Sekarang ini umurnya 54. Papaku ini suka banget senyum, becanda, peramah, riang dan gembira. Tapi diantara 5 anggota keluargaku, yang paling sering aku liat nangis itu ya Papa. Why? bukan karena masalah atau rintangan hidup, tapi karena terkena efek nonton film sedih. Contohnya, waktu itu itu kita sekeluarga nonton Ketika Cinta Bertasbih. Azzam sebagi aktor utama kan jadi penjual tempe yak di Mesir. Syutingnya otomatis di Mesir. Pada saat itu, Mas Arif (kakak kedua yang sedang belajar di Mesir) gak ikut nonton, karena dia masih disana. Gak pulang. Nah, Mbak Vega tiba-tiba megang tanganku trus bisik2 "dek, liat Papa". Tedengdeng, pas aku liat, Papa lagi sesenggukan tak bersuara. Lucuuuu.. pas pulang aku tanya alasan kenapa Papa nangis, beliau menjawab "Pas Azzam lagi buat tempe, Papa tiba2 kangen Mas Arif." ada lagi adegan Papa yang bikin aku terus senyum senyum sampai sekarang. Pas Mas Arif nikah. Orang kedua setelah Papa yang sering nangis adalah Mas Arif. Saat salam2an, aku sengaja di barisan terakhir, biar bisa meluk erat Mas Arif. Tiba2 Papa berdiri disampingku, nah Mas Arif nyamperin kan tuh, pas sama Papa nangis Mas Arifnya, tapi Papanya gak nangis. Akhirnya sampai ke aku, aku langsung meluk, nangis, sambil bilang "Mas, jangan berubah ya. De ella sayang Mas" Mas Arif bilang "tenang aja, jangan sedih dong" okeh, aku tenang, udah ga nangis dipelukan. eeeh tiba2 Papa meluk kita berdua sambil ngomong "yang kuat ya, yang kuat" dengan nadanya yang bergetar sesak dengan tangisan

Monday, May 20, 2013

Tips when exam says 'hello'

5 days before a real ADILLAH AL-AHKAM exam.

Yeha, how are you all?? Are you student? Will these 2 weeks be an exhausting one? I think so, here in IIUM we will be facing final exam, just counting down and you will feel the following below:
1. Screaming when you do not accomplish your task completely.
2. Rounding up or scratching your whole head while screaming loudly when you do not find what you want, such as methods, abbreviation of your math subject, etc.
3. Feel too lazy to go to canteen.
4. Consuming more NOODLE rather than having meal in canteen.
5. Listening to music then suddenly you become a SOLO SINGER without take a big deal with roommates who distracted by your terrifying voice tone.

However, do you know that exam is some kind of situation where you can be closer to your Creator?? did you realize it?? 

When exam comes, you will be free to:
1. Increase your pray and ask anything you want to him, in order to pass the exam perfectly.
2. Increase your recitation of qur'an.
3. Ask redha from your parents.
4. Practice tahajjud and hajat prayer.
5. Sodaqoh and shalawat

The Muslim students are supposed to put their trust in Allah when facing the tests of this world as prescribed in Islam. Why? I will now let you know what Rasulullah said  : 

“The strong believer is better and is more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, although both are good. Strive to attain that which will benefit you and seek the help of Allaah, and do not feel helpless.” (Sahih Muslim, hadits no. 2664)

Among those means are the following:
1.Turning to Allah by making du’a in any way that is prescribed in Islam, such as saying, 

Rabbiy ishrah li sadri wa yassir li amri (O my Lord, expand my chest and make things easy for me).”

2.Get used to sleep early and go to the exams on time.
3. Preparing all required or permitted equipment such as pens, rulers, etc.
4. Reciting the du’a for leaving the house:
 “Bismillaah, tawakkaltu ‘ala Allaah, wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa Billaah. Allaahumma inni a’oodhu bika an adilla aw udalla, aw azilla aw uzalla, aw azlima aw uzlama, aw ajhala aw yujhala ‘alayya (In the name of Allaah, I put my trust in Allaah, and there is no strength and no power except with Allaah. O Allaah, I seek refuge with You lest I should stray or be led astray, lest I slip (commit a sin unintentionally) or be tripped, lest I oppress or be oppressed, lest I behave foolishly or be treated foolishly).”
 Do not forget to seek your parents’ approval, for their du’aa’ for you will be answered.

5. Mention the name of Allah and  shalawat Nabi before you start.
6. Fear Allah with regard to your classmates, and do not be affected by their anxiety or fear just before the exam, for anxiety is a contagious disease.
7. Remembering Allaah (zhikr) dispels anxiety and tension. If something is too difficult for you, then pray to Allah to make it easy for you. Whenever Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) found something too difficult to understand, he would say,

 “O You Who taught Ibraaheem, teach me; O You Who caused Sulaymaan to understand, cause me to understand.” 

8. Choose a good place to sit during the exam, if you can. Keep your back straight, and sit on the chair in a healthy manner.
9. Look over the exam first. Studies advise spending 10% of the exam time in reading the questions carefully.
10. Plan to answer the easy questions first, then the difficult ones.
11. Answer questions according to importance.
12. Start by answering the easy questions which you know. Then move on to the questions which carry high marks, 
13. Take your time to answer, for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Deliberation is from Allaah and haste is from the Shaytaan.” (A hasan hadeeth. Saheeh al-Jaami, 3011).
14. Think carefully about the answer and choose the right answer when answering multiple-choice questions. Deal with them in the following manner. If you are sure that you have chosen the right answer, then beware of waswasah (insinuating whispers from the Shaytaan).
15. Write the main points of your answer at the beginning of the line, because this is what the examiner is looking for.
16. Devote 10% of the time for reviewing your answers. Resist the desire to hand in the exam papers quickly. Be confident without seeing others who submit earlier.
17. If you discover after the exam that you answered some questions incorrectly, then take that as a lesson in the importance of being well prepared in the future, and not rushing to answer questions. Accept the will and decree of Allah and do not fall prey to frustration and despair. Remember the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), “If anything befalls you, do not say, ‘If only I had done such and such.’ Rather say, ‘Qadar Allaah wa maa sha’a kaan (the decree of Allah and what He wills happened),’ for saying ‘if only’ opens the door for the Shaytaan.” (Saheeh Muslim, and the first part of this hadeeth was mentioned above).
18. Note that cheating is haraam whether it is in foreign language tests or any other tests. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Whoever cheats is not one of us.”
19. Remember what you have prepared for the Hereafter, and the questions of the examination in the grave, and how to be saved on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever is saved from the Fire and admitted to Paradise will indeed have succeeded.

We ask Allah to make us succeed in this world and cause us to be among those who are victorious and saved in the Hereafter, for He is the All-Hearing Who answers prayer.

So how we welcome our exam? do we put under pressure for our mind to always think? Have you left your bad procrastination skill? hehehe... just kidding. I am just an ordinary reminder who want to share with others and also remind my  self.
Okay then, just relax, do not get stressed out because hope still abides. Turn everything to Allah and let Him decide what we deserve. Ah ya, have you downloaded previous year exam paper from digital library? InshaAllah it will help you to answer the exam. Happy exam week!

May Allah ease us to pass exam and get high CGPA and practice what we have learned. Aamiin Ya Rabb. We know undoubtedly that YOU are the best supporter, the best helper ever.

#convey from me even a single verse- Rasulullah SAW.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Powerful Act of Witnessing

Kuala Lumpur PALESTINE Film Festival

In a silence
I know how struggling their life is
Nothing else but to be thankful
To us who still breath fresh air
Then what are we waiting for?
Do we have heart tone to let them fall down on sorrow without helping?
Where is ukhuwah??
I just hope from you who still have beat heart
Just pray even once per day for them
Let them smile, let the world be happy

Hey, I wrote this to promote you about two films I watched 2 days ago. This program held on 17-19 May 2013. We chose date 18 and spent a full day outside, GSC Pavilion and KLCC. It's counted as releasing our duty busy wholeday before facing coming exam next week. These two films are about Palestinian and Israeli. I'll let you know the synopsis below.

Genre: Drama
Directed by: Eran Riklis
Runtime: 106 minutes

Lemon Tree is the story of Palestinian widow, named Salma, who defends her lemon tree field from her new neighbour; The new ISRAELI Defence Minister. She feels isolated with her sons moving to Washington and her daughters married. The local village elder advises her to give in, but Salma decides to work with the young lawyer and they take their case all the way to the Supreme Court. She meets Mira, the minister's wife, who sympathizes with Salma.

The court case receives notable media attention, and Mira gives a new interview that her husband regrets. Mira believes that ISRAELI military overreacted, and she also shares Salma's sense of personal loneliness. A complex, though not always evident, human bond develops between the 2 women. But Salma's case is dismissed. Mira moves out, and a concrete wall is a built between Salma's land and the Defense Minister's house. A final camera shot reveals the lemon trees to have been cut down.

Yap, this film earns many awards  and I advise you to download it from youtube and watch it. Share your love to the world.

The second one is....

Genre: documentary
Directed by: Imad Burnat, guy Davidi
Runtime: 94 minutes

This film gained international fame when it was nominated for Best Documenatry Feature at the Academy Awards 2013.

It's about activist in the West bank, particularly one man's story. Emad lives in Bil'in where the residents have been protesting against the building of the separation wall for years. When his fourth son Gibreel was born, Emad got his first camera and started filming not only his son growing but also the protest. This changed his life; daily arrest and night raids which intimidates his family and friends. The ISRAELI forces to destroy his camera, but Emad just went out and got another one. Camera after camera, over five years, each camera capturing part oh his story.

No doubt, this film documentary also yields awards. Without more thinking of, please just watch it and let your tears flow down.

Through this movie I do realize that my life is full of bless and feel more comfortable than theirs.

Pray for all muslim around the world after obligatory shalat by sending Alfatihah. 
Be thankful.

Witness: Laila, Hanifah, Arina, Putri, Izzati, Salsa.
Date: 18 May 2013
Venue: GSC Pavilion. Kuala Lumpur
Time: 3.20 pm, 5.30 pm

Thursday, March 14, 2013

7 Keindahan Indonesia yang Memesona Dunia

1. Borobudur

Candi Borobudur merupakan salah satu candi Budha terbesar di dunia. Candi ini dibangun ketika Samaratungga – raja dari dinasti Syailendra memerintah di Jawa Tengah. Candi ini dianggap merupakan salah satu tujuh keajaiban dunia. Candi Borobudur terletak di desa Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Candi Borobudur sangat besar dan terdiri dari blok batu-batu besar dengan arsitektur yang sangat megah. Karena itu candi Borobudur saya tempatkan pada barisan pertama karena tingkat kesulitan pembuatannya.
2. Pulau Komodo
Pulau Komodo terletak di sebuah selat antara Pulau Flores di Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) dan Sumbawa di Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). Di Pulau Komodo terdapat kadal terbesar di dunia, yaitu biawak Komodo (Varanus komodoensis). Komodo dipercaya sebagai sisa binatang purba Dinosaurus yang masih hidup. panjang komodo dapat mencapai 3 meter dengan berat bisa mencapai 140 kg. Pada peariran di pulau Komodo juga terdapat perairan yang termasuk keajaiban dunia bawah air. Dasar laut perairan Komodo adalah yang terbaik di dunia, di permukaan laut menyembulnya daratan-daratan kering yang berbukit karang. Sangat pantas pulau Komodo dimasukan dalam daftar keajaiban di Indonesia.
3. Danau tiga warna Kelimutu
Danau ini oleh dunia disebut sebagai salah satu dari sembilan keajaiban dunia. Danau tiga warna terletak di Gunung Kelimutu, Flores,NTT. Di sana ada tiga danau yang berdekatan namun dengan warna-warna yang berbeda. Danau kawah tersebut adalah Tiwu Ata Polo (danau merah), Tiwu Nua Muri Kooh Fai (danau hijau) dan Tiwu Ata Mbupu (danau biru). Danau Kelimutu merupakan satu-satunya danau di dunia yang airnya dapat berubah setiap saat, dari merah menjadi hijau tua dan kemudian merah hati, hijau tua menjadi hijau muda, coklat kehitaman menjadi biru langit. Fenomena alam ini merupakan keajaiban.
4. Puncak Jayawijaya dan Carstenz
Puncak yang juga terdaftar sebagai salah satu dari tujuh puncak benua (Seven Summit) yang sangat fenomenal dan menjadi incaran pendaki gunung di berbagai belahan dunia. Puncak Jayawijaya terletak di Taman Nasional Laurentz, Papua. Puncak ini diselimuti oleh salju abadi. Salju abadi di Puncak Jayawijaya merupakan satu dari tiga padang salju di daerah tropis yang terdapat di dunia.
Di negeri kita yang dilalui garis khatulistiwa ini, menyaksikan adanya salju di Indonesia tentunya sesuatu yang mustahil untuk bisa dimengerti. Carstenz Pyramid (4884 mdpl) adalah salah satu puncak yang bersalju tersebut. Puncak tertinggi di Asia Tenggara dan Pasifik ini terletak di rangkaian Pegunungan Sudirman. Puncak ini terkenal tidak hanya karena tingginya, tetapi juga karena terdapat lapisan salju di puncaknya.
5. Prambanan
Candi Prambanan adalah candi Hindu terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Candi Prambanan terletak di perbatasan Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta. Candi ini dibangun pada sekitar tahun 850 Masehi. Arsitektur bangunan ini sangat megah dan terdapat candi-candi baik besar maupun kecil pada Komplek Candi Prambanan ini. Juga ada legenda bahwa candi-candi tersebut hanya dibuat dalam satu malam saja oleh kesaktian Bandung bondowoso sebagai syarat mempersunting Loro Jonggrang. Tapi bukan karena legenda itu Prambanan dimasukkan dalam daftar ini tapi karena kehebatan arsitekturnya yang memukau dunia.
6. Pulau Bali
Pulau ini termasuk salah satu pulau terindah di Dunia. Pulau Bali merupakan pulau wisata terbaik di dunia. Obyek-obyek wisata di pulau Bali seperti Kintamani, Pantai Kuta, Danau Batur, Goa Gajah, Tampak Siring, Bedugul, Tanah Lot dan sebagainya. Pulau ini dimasukkan dalam daftar ini karena banyak tempat yang sangat menakjubkan dengan arsitektur bangunan dan keindahan alam di pulau ini yang juga sudah diakui dunia.
7. Bromo
Gunung Bromo merupakan salah satu gunung dari lima gunung yang terdapat di komplek Pegunungan Tengger di laut pasir. Daya tarik gunung ini adalah merupakan gunung yang masih aktif. Obyek wisata Gunung Bromo ini merupakan fenomena alam dengan Kekhasan gejala alam yang tidak ditemukan di tempat lain adalah adanya kawah di tengah kawah (creater in the creater) dengan hamparan laut pasir yang mengelilinginya.

Tempat-Tempat Dengan Permandangan Tercantik Di Dunia

1. Puncak Himalaya Tibet

Tempat ini adalah titik tertinggi di seluruh planet Bumi.

2. Langit Alaska

Sinar Aurora Borealis yang ada di Langit Alaska (ujung utara Amerika, dekat Kutub Utara) ini memang sangat menakjubkan! Aurora itu sendiri adalah cahaya natural di angkasa yang terjadi akibat pertemuan titik-titik medan magnet bumi dengan atom dan molekul dari atas atmosfer bumi. Secara umumnya, ada 2 warna yaitu hijau dan merah dan hanya dapat dilihat pada waktu malam.

3. Benteng Chittogarh, India

4. Cinque Terre, Riviera

Salah satu tempat pariwisata paling popular di Itali ini merupakan sebagian dari UNESCO World Heritage Site dan terletak di pinggir laut Mediterania.

5. College The Valleyfield

Sebuah universitas pendidikan di Quebec, Canada.

6. Machu Picchu

Terletak di Lembah Urumba, Peru dan memiliki ketinggian 2.430 meter di atas permukaan laut.

7. Massif De La Chartreuse

Sebuah formasi batu-batuan di pegunungan timur Perancis.

8. Laut Arktik

Bayangkan sendiri, berdayung santai di laut Arktik yang sejernih Kristal dan berada di wilayah Kutub Utara Bumi.

9. Petra

Petra adalah sebuah kota yang dibentuk di dalam sebuah gunung batu di Yordania. Dibangun 100 tahun SM oleh bangsa Nabatean dengan aliran sungai di bawah tanah.

10. Gunung Tungurahua, Ekuador

11. Oasis In the Middle of Nowhere

12. Millau Bridge in France

Paris juga mempunyai ikonnya sendiri yaitu jembatan tertinggi di dunia yang bangunannya lebih tinggi dari Menara Eiffel dan menembus batas awan! Wow.. coba bayangkan sendiri jambatan yang dapat menembus awan?? bagaimana rasanya bila melewat jembatan ini? Jembatan bernama Millau ini melintasi Sungai Tarn dan lembah-lembah pegunungan Massive Central. panjang jembatan hingga 2,5 km dan tingginya 340 meter (lebih tinggi 16 meter dari Menara Eiffel), jembatan ini telah direka dengan kekuatan tahan gempa oleh seorang arsitek berasal dari Inggris bernama Norman Foster.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

PHUKET- THAILAND (january 2013)

Hello again..

Today, after a long time I divorce with my blog (and now we getting back together) I wanna tell you a story about what we have done in Thailand last January 2013. Yippi, are you ready? I'll tell you all from the beginning til I touched my hometown, Bogor, West Java, loving Indonesia.

18 January 2013,
           Me with my friends- Putri and Hayata- met in bus terminal named by Pudu Raya. We planned to go to Thai by bus and it took in a night from 22.00-9.00. What a realy tiring long journey! The bus had a big seat, TV in each single seats and of course it feels sooo comfortable to us. With RM 65 we can reach our first destination: HATYAI. Ticket pricewill getting much expensive if you go there in a peak season and this rm 65 was also an expensive one coz we go in peak season too. Firstly, we went from PUDU RAYA, KUALA LUMPUR to HATYAI (Thai). But, before HATYAI entrance, we as foreigners have to do some queue in THAI Imigration checkpoint. All stuffs must be brought outside and checked by staff. Mmm, my first thought about this country is always about ghost. It's quitely proven by surroundings with lots of yellow grave flowers, buddha statues, Thai straight face, unknown language. No wonder, I feel so much frightened when I see around but I cant find anyone with veil except 3 of us.

       Surprisingly, another one kind of unique Thai is its hermaphrodite (effeminate or transvestite homo sexual) alias banci deh ya kalau kita bilang. Lah, why I change my words of a sudden? Yap, no doubt, I perfectly saw what I must see here, beatiful men with their long and straight hair, beautify their faces with full of make up, they totally seem pretty, Really, I dont talk a lie. Nevertheless, the beauty of them suddeny disapeared when they talk. Ahhahaha, how funny they are when replying question from travellers and I- with my pair of ears heard their own voice. Face lies but does not voice? 

Oke, I talk too much, now lets continue...
We touched down HATYAI at 7am, and fastly moved to place-like mall trade center- where we get a bus to PHUKET.Ticket price from HATYAI to PHUKET TOWN was approximately RM 55 or nearly 550 baht. If I'm not mistaken, heheh. Some friend said that we are lied by the seller, we can get cheaper for price. Yah, how can we complain to them while we have a clumsy conversation? we realy wanna scream 'OH GOD HELP ME TO INTERPRET THEIR LANGUAGE. Both of us cant understand what we are saying. All happened because these different languages. We said in English, and they just nodded. Alhamdulillah, we found one who can translate English and Melayu to Thai. After a long conversation, our van picked us up at 10.30am. Ah, I forgot to attach pictures of van. Dont worry about their service, the van is very clean and tidy. Unfortunately, driver did not understand English. He just nodded as hint of answering. When lunch time comes, we stopped in a restaurant. We bought halal bread and snacks. I didnt have appetite to have a meal coz my high level of worry. It is hardly enough to find halal  food or drink. After 30 minutes, we continued the trip. Driver drived with 80-100km/hour. Ticket seller said that we can arrive PHUKET TOWN after 6 hours from HATYAI. So we calculated our body would get their rights to lie down at 4pm.

Yuhuu, the time we have planned was wrong, driver from PHUKET stopped us in a house of other taxi driver. So, we changed transportation from PHUKET TOWN to PATONG. We bought ticket taxi from phuket to patong with only 1000 baht for 3 people. And before departure, we already booked 3 rooms in hotel with rm 55 for each person. Not a single bed room, but dorm room. It's quite expensive for backpackers like us. But, we should book hotel at first night in order to have a safety first.  At 5.15pm, we just arrived safely at Squareone Hotel, Patong, Phuket. The staffs look pretty and very charming. They look like Chinese Thai with fluent English. After a bit registration, Alhamdulillah we lied down on the bed. Some one inside, she is Australian. She is charming too. Afterwards, we do Ashar prayer, then waiting for Maghrib Azan. There are no sound outside but dag dug dag voice from neighbour. No mosque around, and staff doesnt know where is the qiblah. Of course, they aren't Muslim. Th,en, we see sun from west. And decide the qiblah before we do prayer. After taking bath, doing Magrib prayer, reciting Quran and Isya prayer, we went out to have dinner. Hoaa, so hungry. And we find halal restaurant. We choose tomyam, kailan, chicken chop and some drinks. Those are signs of wondering taste. I cant say anything but 'i wanna eat eat eat again tomorrow' .So how are you, my pocket?
              After having dinner, we booked trip ticket in some travels. We chose a day to visit Phi Phi Island then tomorrow we continue with James Bond Island. Price is no much expensive, its about rm 75 (750 baht) for Phi Phi Island trip and rm 85 (850 baht) for James Bond Island. We grin widely while walking to hotel.
             In crisp morning, driver picked us up from hotel to port towards Phi Phi Island. We chose big boat with crowded passenggers around. It took 2 hours to get there. We sat on the top of boat and program begins after approaching shallow beach for snorkeling. Thats my first time to snorkel and seaview is also very magnificent. Time to indulge, dump all those matters away. After 20 minutes, we continued voyage and stop at Phi Phi Island for having buffet lunch then enjoy on seeing another beach.

Here, i write down my own expenses while try to remember coz my note has gone away without saying a word :
1. Bus ticket KL Pudu Raya-Hatyai : RM 65x2 : 130 *expensive coz of peak day
2. Van ticket Hatyai-Phuket Town : RM 55x2 : 110 *I think get it cheaper
3. High Class Taxi Phuket Town-Patong : RM 33 *Rm100 for 3 people. Then, why I as backpacker took an expensive car? LOL, I dunno if taxi there was that cool. we 've not found public taxi somehow
4. Hotel day 1 : RM 55*thank to agoda.com
5. Hotel day 2 and 3 : RM 66
6. Dinner at Muslim Restaurant even once : RM 30*don't be so shocked
7. Noodle, water, bread, toilet, etc for 4 days : RM 20
8. Travel Ticket to Phi Phi Island : RM 75
9. Travel Ticket to James Bond Islamd : RM 85
10. Shopping : RM 50
Total = RM 654.

one cheerful Korean

Phi Phi Island

another Korean passenger


thailand 2013

thailand 2013
phi phi and james bond island